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Recent news from Paidea

We currently have space available in our classrooms for Summer 2025. We are accepting applications for enrollment. We are happy to schedule a tour to share more about our program and show you our school.
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Parenting questions for Dr. Mary and Lynn

Words to Use When You Want Your Child to Transition from One Activity, Thing or Place to Another
The day is full of transitions. A transition is defined as a shift or change from one place, thing, condition, or activity to another. Whether it is getting dressed in the morning, turning off electronics, stopping play to come to eat, getting in or out of the car, or leaving a friend’s house your words can help your child shift smoothly – at least most of the time. WORDS TO USE TO SUCCESSFULLY TRANSITION

The Shift to Daylight Saving Time Continues to Torment
Whining increased? Meltdowns over seemingly insignificant issues pooling on your kitchen floor? Does it seem as though your child’s communication system has deteriorated to one phrase - “No! You are not the boss of me.”