Our History

Paidea began in 1984. Lynn Jessen is the owner/director. Prior to founding Paidea, Lynn taught Child Development in the Minneapolis Public Schools and at the University of Minnesota. She received a master’s degree in Early Childhood and Parent Education and has worked as a parent educator in ECFE and at the Working Parent Resource Center.

Lynn works daily with Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, author of Raising Your Spirited Child; Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles; and Sleepless in America. The two have collaborated together over 30 years and Mary keeps Lynn up to date on current research while Lynn provides Mary with real life stories about children. Together they write a blog – Parenting Questions for Dr. Mary and Lynn. http://parentingquestionsfordrmaryandlynn.blogspot.com/



Child Development / Childcare for
Toddlers, Preschoolers, Schoolagers, & Kindergarten

Nurturing little ones since 1984!
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